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Apoorva Sathe

Common Themes

Welcome to our exploration of common themes! As we review the works of our talented community, we have identified at least three shared themes that unite and inspire us. In this project, we invite you to join us on a journey of discovery, as we delve into these themes and provide links to the pages of other students who showcase these shared elements.


Across our student community, we've identified Music as one of the most common elements. Music is a powerful medium that can evoke emotions, inspire creativity, and foster a sense of community. Music has the power to bring people together and create a sense of community.


Movies is another common element that I found. Some students enjoy exploring different genres and styles of movies, from classic Hollywood films to indie cinema and foreign language films.


Television is another popular form of media that is common among students. Binge-watching is one of the common interests among students. With the rise of streaming platforms like Netflix and Hulu, binge-watching TV shows has become a popular pastime among students. Many enjoy immersing themselves in the richly developed worlds of their favorite shows, watching entire seasons in just a few sittings.

How would you revise your media categorization based on what you read? What would you add to your hierarchy of media?

One possible revision to a media categorization or hierarchy could be to add a category for online streaming platforms, as they have become a significant source of entertainment and creative inspiration for students. Another possible addition could be social media platforms, as they play an important role in shaping the way that students interact with and consume media.